Online Investment – Timing Is Everything

They say that ‘timing is everything’ and it’s never more than true when looking committing to an online investment. For the comedian, actor, athlete and politician timing is a key skill in success. Being in the right place at the right time is part of the skill (or luck) of any kind of success. The basketball or football player needs to be doing the right thing when the scout is about. The busker singing on the street can have their lives changed if a record producer happens to be walking past.

So is success down to luck – well yes and no. I’m a big believer in creating your own luck. If you put yourself about, take risks (albeit calculated ones) and put yourself in situations where opportunity can be seized.

The most common piece of investment advice given is ‘get into property’ and as a general rule it’s sound advice. Property in general appreciates in value over time and delivers a return on investment significantly better than any bank or savings scheme can offer. However – timing can make or break the investment opportunity. Many have been caught short by entering the property market at the wrong time and making very little – and in some sad cases ending up in negative equity. If you buy in a town that is on the rise – then you’ll make money from your investment. If you buy in town and a factory then lays of 1,000 employees causing widespread unemployment – there’s a good chance that you could lose money, see very little growth or have to wait a long time to see a return on your investment.

If I could give only one piece of investment advice it would be to develop the skill of being able to spot opportunities. Broaden your perspective think laterally and learn how to read how events will shape things financially and then make calculated decisions based on those factors. If you can learn this new kind of thinking then you will see investment opportunities others miss and most importantly you will see them in time to get in early.

Consider your investment plan carefully

Retirement is a necessary event which everyone faces in life. When one thinks of his income after retirement, several options arise. During his service, the person has to save some amount every month for his retired life. The person invests this amount in Annuity schemes which fetch him some periodical income so that after retirement he can lead a normal life. Before choosing the appropriate investment plan, the person has to evaluate his needs. His immediate commitments like education of children, expenses on health, renovation of house, legal expenses if any are some of the factors which may require careful consideration. The next question that he has to consider is the marriage of children, tour plans, etc.

Where to invest the savings?

This is a vexing question that needs careful consideration. Many employees invest the amount with their employers. In return for this investment, the employer normally gives the employee a fixed amount periodically as Annuity. Of course in the beginning the Annuity which the employee gets would seem to be reasonable. But with inflation, the fixed annuity will not be sufficient in the coming years. Even with an inflation of about 3% every year, in about 4 to 5 years the person will feel the financial crunch.

The alternative is to invest in Stock market. But this requires specialization and careful market analysis. Everyone may not have this quality. So this is a risky investment.

As an alternative, the employee can consider the investment plans offered by different investment companies. Many of the investment agencies have several attractive plans like Annuity with health insurance coverage for the spouse, burglary insurance, etc. Such investment could be another better option to choose.

Some persons may consider investing in real estate. But if such investment is made, the person may not have fixed returns unless the investment fetches him some amount by way of rent. If such investment is made when there is a favorable market, the value of real estate would appreciate and this may fetch attractive returns.

However, as far as investment plan is concerned, all that matters is the wisdom of the investor. Wherever necessary, he can take the guidance of professional investment planners who would be able to guide the investor appropriately.

How to Start Saving for the Future With Long Term Investment Vehicles

In an uncertain economic climate, keeping your finances in good shape can be a difficult task. If you have long term goals, or simply think it’s a good idea to be prepared for unexpected financial burdens, a savings or investment plan makes a lot of sense.

Saving for the future means you’ll be in a position to help your children through higher education, or insure that you retire comfortably in your old age. Whether you’ve gained experience or are new to navigating the savings and investment market, a solid, long term financial strategy gives you both options and peace of mind.

What do I need to know?

You have a range of options when it comes to choosing an investment or savings product. The approach you select should reflect your needs and long term goals and it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different accounts or ‘wrappers’ financial organisations offer:

ISAs – Individual Savings Accounts offer a high-rate of interest with the added incentive of tax exemption on the money you accumulate. Be aware that there is a limit on the amount you can contribute to an ISA per year. ISAs are available in both ‘cash’ and ‘stocks and shares’ categories.

Investment bonds – a lump sum is invested in a range of funds and assets with the intention of making the highest capital gain. While this option carries increased risk, significant tax incentives are available.

Pension and retirement plans – it’s never too early to start thinking about putting money away for your retirement and tax relief on the many pension products available make this type of saving an attractive option. Keep in mind, money put into a pension scheme will not be accessible until you reach a certain pre-determined age.

Offshore investment – although a legally complex area, moving money into an offshore account may bring significant returns. While your money may grow in an offshore account, you’ll be required to pay tax on any gains should you decide to move the money back home.

What are the risks?

Choosing to save or invest depends a lot on the extent to which you want to risk your money. If you have a clear idea of an amount of money you wish to accumulate over a certain period of time, an ISA or similar savings plan could be the better option. While the amount you stand to gain may not be as much as an investment strategy, your cash will be protected against the dangers of the stock market.

On the other hand, if you feel you have the time and money to risk in an investment, the stock market can deliver the returns you’re looking for. If you don’t have the experience to devise an investment strategy on your own, finding a financial advisor to help you through your decisions is a very good idea. Financial advisors will be able to select an appropriate investment plan for your personal needs and provide information and advice at every stage.

Understanding the most important investment concepts

It’s always good to have at least a basic foundation of fundamental investment knowledge whether you’re a beginner to investing or working with a professional financial advisor. The reason is simple: You are likely to be more comfortable in investing your money if you understand the lingo and basic principles of investing. Combining the basics with what you want to get out of your investment strategy, you will be empowered to make financial decisions yourself more confidently and also be more engaged and interactive with your financial advisor.

Below are a few basic principles that you should be able to understand and apply when you are looking to potentially invest your money or evaluate an investment opportunity. You’ll find that the most important points pertaining to investing are quite logical and require just good common sense. The first step is to make the decision to start investing. If you’ve never invested your money, you’re probably not comfortable with make any investment decisions or moves in the market because you have little or no experience. It’s always difficult to find somewhere to begin. Even if you find a trusted financial advisor, it is still worth your time to educate yourself, so you can participate in the process of investing your money and so that you may be able to ask good questions. The more you understand the reasons behind the advice you’re getting, the more comfortable you will be with the direction you’ve chosen.

Don’t be intimidated by the financial lingo
If you turn on the tv to some financial network, don’t worry that you can’t understand the financial professionals right away. A lot of what they say can actually boil down to simple financial concepts. Make sure you ask your financial advisor the questions that concern you so you become more comfortable when investing.

IRAs are containers to hold investments-they aren’t investments themselves
The first area of confusions that most new investors get confused about is around their retirement vehicles and plans that they may have. If an investor has an individual retirement accounts (IRA), a 401(k) plan from work, or any other retirement-type plan at work, you should understand the differences between all the accounts you have and the actual investments you have within those accounts. Your IRA or 401(k) is just a container that houses your investments that brings with it some tax-advantages.

Understand stocks and bonds
Almost every portfolio contains these kinds of asset classes.

If you buy a stock in a company, you are buying a share of the company’s earnings. You become a shareholder and an owner at the same time of the company. This simply means that you have equity in the company and the company’s future – ready to go up and down with the company’s ups and downs. If the company is doing well, then your shares will be doing well and increase in value. If the company is not doing well or fails, then you can lose value in your investment.

If you buy bonds, you become a creditor of the company. You are simply lending money to the company. So you don’t become a shareholder or owner of the company/bond-issuer. If the company fails, then you will lose the amount of your loan to the company. However, the risk of losing your investment to bondholder is less then the risk to owners/shareholders. The reasoning behind this is that to stay in business and have access to funds to finance future expansion or growth, the company must have a good credit rating. Furthermore, the law protects a company’s bondholders over its shareholders if the company goes bankrupt.

Stocks are considered to be equity investments, because they give the investor an equity stake in the company, while bonds are referred to as fixed-income investments or debt instruments. A mutual fund, for instance, can invest in any number or combination of stocks and bonds.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
An important investment principle of all is not to invest all or most of your money into one investment.

Include multiple and varying types of investments in your portfolio. There are many asset classes such as stocks, bonds, precious metals, commodities, art, real estate, and so on. Cash, in fact, is also an asset class. It includes currency, cash alternatives, and money-market instruments. Individual asset classes are also broken down into more precise investments such as small company stocks, large company stocks, or bonds issued by municipalities, or bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury.

The various asset classes go up and down at different times and at different speeds. The purpose of a diversified portfolio is to mitigate the ups and downs by smoothing out the volatility in a portfolio. If some investments are losing value at some particular period, others will be increasing in value at the same time. So the overarching objective is to make sure that the gainers offset the losers, which may minimize the impact of overall losses in your portfolio from any single investment. The goal that you will have with your financial advisor is to help find the right balance between the asset classes in your portfolio given your investment objectives, risk tolerance, and investment time horizon. This process is commonly referred to as asset allocation.

As mentioned earlier, each asset class can be internally diversified further with investment options within that class. For example, if you decide to invest in a financial company, but are worried that you may lose your money by putting everything into one single company, consider making investments into other companies ( Company A, Company B, and Company C) rather than putting all your eggs in one basket. Even though diversification alone doesn’t guarantee that you will make a profit or ensure that you won’t lose value in your portfolio, it can still help you manage the amount of risk you are taking or are willing to take.

Recognize the tradeoff between an investment’s risk and return
Risk is generally looked at as the possibility of losing money from your investments. Return is looked at as the reward you receive for making the investment. Returns can be found by measuring the increase in value of your investment from your original investment principal.

There is a relationship between risk and reward in finance. If you have a low risk-tolerance, then you will take on less risk when investing, which will result in a lower possible return at any given time, relatively. The highest risk investment will offer the chance to make high returns.

Between the taking on the highest risk and the lowest risk, most investors seek to find the right balance of risk and returns that he/she feels comfortable with. So, if someone advises you to get in on an investment that has a high return and it is risk-free, then it may be too good to be true.

Understand the difference between investing for growth and investing for income
Once you make the decision to invest, you may want to consider whether the objective of your portfolio is have it increase in value by growing overtime, or is it to produce a fixed income stream for you to supplement your current income, or is it maybe a combination of the two?

Based on your decision, you will either target growth oriented investments or income oriented ones. U.S. Treasury bills, for instance, provide a regular income stream for investors through regular interest payments, and the value of your initial principal tends to be more stable and secure as opposed to a bond issued by a new software company. Likewise, an equity investment in a larger company such as an IBM is generally less risky than a new company. Furthermore, IBM may provide dividends every quarter to their investors which can be used as an income stream as well. Typically, newer companies reinvest any income back into the business to make it grow. However, if a new company becomes successful, then the value of your equities in that company may grow at a much higher rate than an established company. This increase is typically referred to as capital appreciation.

Whether you are looking for growth, income, or both, your decision will fully depend on your individual financial and investment objectives and needs. And, each type may play its own part in your portfolio.

Understand the power of compounding on your investment returns
Compounding is an important investment principle. When you reinvest any dividends or other investment returns, you begin to earn returns on your past returns.

Consider a simple example of a plain bank certificate of deposit (CD) that is rolled over to a new CD including its past returns each time it matures. Interest that is earned over the lifetime of the CD becomes part of the next period’s sum on which interest is assessed on. At the beginning, when you initially invest your money compounding may seem like only a little snowball; however, as time goes by, that little snowball gets larger because of interest compounding upon interest. This helps your portfolio grow much faster.

You don’t have to go at it alone
Your Financial Advisor can give you the investment guidance that you need so that you don’t have to stop yourself from investing in the market because you feel like you don’t know enough yet. Knowing the basic financial principles, having good common sense, and having your Financial Advisor guide you along the way can help you start evaluating investment opportunities for your portfolio and help get you closer toward achieving your financial goals.

Reasons Why Gold Should Be Part of Your Investment Portfolio

Reasons Why Gold Should Be Part of Your Investment Portfolio

Gold has been used for countless centuries as an indication of wealth, power and honor, but it has also been a fantastic investment choice. Why? Well, because it is what has essentially set the standard throughout monetary history. Here are ten reasons that you should consider gold as a part of your investment portfolio:

1. Of all precious metals, gold has traditionally been the first choice for hedging investments against inflation, political crisis or economic uncertainty.

2. As of the time of this writing, gold is trading at $1519.00 per ounce. Just 6 years ago, though, it was trading at just $513 per ounce. Thats a significant return for anyone that invested in gold in 2005 and held onto it.

3. Gold is driven by the age old system of supply and demand, but speculation also plays a part in determining the price of this precious metal. Yet, unlike most available commodities, consumption doesnt affect its price as much as savings and disposal do.

4. While investors’ return on equities, real estate and bonds do not compensate for inflation or risk, golds demand increases.

5. Jewelry accounts for more than two-thirds of the demand for gold.

6. Industrial, medical and dentistry uses of gold account for about 12% of the demand for gold.

7. During war or hard economic times, gold is seen as an asset that will always be able to purchase food, shelter or transportation. This is why the demand for gold tends to rise during periods of uncertainty.

8. Gold can be purchased and held in coin and bar form, giving the purchaser immediate access to his or her investment.

9. Gold can also be traded through the stock exchanges in the form of ETFs, CEFs and ETNs. In addition, derivatives like gold futures, forwards and options can be traded as well.

10. Additional gold investments include certificates, accounts and investments in gold mines.

Besides its widespread monetary and symbolic functions, gold has many practical uses in dentistry, electronics, and other fields. Its high malleability, ductility, resistance to corrosion and most other chemical reactions, and conductivity of electricity lead to many uses of gold, including electric wiring, colored glass production and even gold leaf eating.

Gold has been highly valued in many societies throughout the ages. In keeping with this it has often had a strongly positive symbolic meaning closely connected to the values held in the highest esteem in the society in question. Gold may symbolize power, strength, wealth, warmth, happiness, love, hope, optimism, intelligence, justice, balance, perfection, summer, harvest and the sun.

Gold represents great value. Respected people are treated with the most valued rule, the “golden rule”. A company may give its most valued customers “gold cards” or make them “gold members”. We value moments of peace and therefore we say: “silence is golden”. In Greek mythology there was the “golden fleece”.

Gold is further associated with the wisdom of aging and fruition. The fiftieth wedding anniversary is golden. Our precious latter years are sometimes considered “golden years”. The height of a civilization is referred to as a “golden age”.

About/Bio: Silver Scott Mines is a publicly traded (ticker symbol: SILS.PK) development stage precious metals company that currently operates in Mexico through a wholly owned subsidiary, Minera Mystery S. de R.L. de C.V. Find out more about the company’s mining operations at

Stock Investment Company – The ins and outs

These days, it is not at all rare for one to come across such a stock investment company that offers services with big promises. Stock investment is a serious proposition and stock market positions are very difficult to understand. It is good to do some in-depth research before you choose a stockbroker or stock investment company.

There are many stock trading companies but the choice has to be made based on research. It is important to know and consider the qualifications of the company. The company has to be competent and to ensure this the credentials of the company have to be looked into. The customer should try to get as much information as is possible about the company. There are other issues such as the fees and commissions, which the stock investment company will charge for the stock market trading. If the fees and commissions are excessive, they will take up a major part of your stock trading profits. Your investment goals will be affected. Your decisions in transactions will also be affected. The fees and commissions that the company will charge, therefore, is an important consideration.

There are three principal types of stock investment companies. Some companies just carry out your stock trades. This means that you will instruct and you will buy and sell stocks. The companies will do just this and little else. The next type of companies will carry out your trading instructions and, along with that, provide you with helpful tips and stock market quotes. A type of stock investment company also serves as your investment planner. These companies will see your resources and investment objectives and do the management of the resource on your behalf. It is up to you to decide which type of stock investment company will be the best suited for your purpose.

You may also come across such a stock investment company that does not work with the stock market. The customer has to ensure that the stock investment company operates in the market where the customer intends to invest. If this is not the case, there is a waste of money and time. The advisory services of the stock investment company to help you out should be there. When you choose your stock investment company, you should notice whether it has the right investment advisory services. In stock market investing, no two persons are the same. The capacities of investing in stock markets vary from person to person. The best services are offered by the personalized services of the stock investment company.

Best Thing In Investment Loans

We can make something different out from our investment which we take earlier, if we properly manage and utilize all the resources that we have. Aside from money, because money is first preference for any investment right attitude or we can say that right view about the investment is an important factor in a successful investment. It is a good feeling that aside from the our main earnings that we have from the office, we have another income and that comes from our investments.

We all know that it is never easy to start an investment any type of investment which we know that it will beneficial for me in my future especially if we dont have enough money. Money is root for all the things which we done or which we want at present or in future. But today’s every person is hand to mouth. It is vital that we know our capacity and needs for us to be able to know what the best investment for us is. Investment loans are there for us to meet our needs and goals for future planning. Although we know that we have to pay interest for this investment loans but that does not matter if we choose the right investment and we know that it will be beneficial for us in future.

Finding the right investment loans also critical because we have to consider a lot of things. We need to make sure that it is profitable so we could sustain the monthly payment for our investment loans. Doing every possible way to gain and exceed in everything we do is most likely the best asset that we could have in this kind of field.To have reliable funding resources into our investment is also very important. We have to make sure that we have the best financial institution that supports us. By doing a research to a company who offered investment loans we can then compare the interest rates and other charges. By that, we can decide where to get the loans that we need. One thing to consider is with the help of a financial expert, aside from their advise we can learn something new.

Investing money requires a great amount of time and to be successful, it should be invested wisely. The thought of investment loans like in real estate solicits interest to a lot of individuals. For some that are new to this market, they are not often certain of the options in financing thats why we should have a financial company and good advisor for us to have everything under control.

What is a High Yield Investment Program ( HYIP )

A high yield investment program (or HYIP) is one of the most interesting investments out there. However, like a number of investment opportunities, it has been the target of a number of scams.

The simple version is that it is an investment method that offers a high rate of returns with some risk. The investor can invest small amounts into a HYIP, which can, if it does well, yields a higher-than-normal rate of return, which you can then cash out or re-invest. While investing, you can discuss how the investments are doing and find out about scams on websites called monitors, which keep an eye on how HYIPs do.

The slightly more interesting version is that an investor sets up an account with an HYIP, and then invests a certain amount of money into the HYIP, which can be for either very small amounts or for large amounts, depending on how much you want to invest. You decide when to pull out, and then what to do with the funds.

However, be advised that it is an investment and carries with it all the risks of an investment. As such, there is the real possibility of losing the money that you invest, for all the usual reasons. Dont invest more than you can lose, and thoroughly check out the investment before giving the HYIP a single cent, just as you would any other potential investment. And be aware that, just like other investment, there are some HYIPs that are scams.

Using an HYIP as a scam is abetted by a number of factors. The first is the mystique of investing; too many people jump into investing without really bothering how it works, and hoping to get something big for something little. There is also that it relies on e-gold, which, although it has a number of advantages, but transfers cant be reversed; unlike a credit card, if a transaction goes wrong, you cant get the money back. The last is that it looks like just another HYIP, and can therefore fool most people into putting money into it, which then disappears.

Another part of the problem is that they can be easily be used for ponzi schemes, either fueling one or being the bottom layer of one. Just be watch out for very-well performing HYIP, including those with an outrageously high rate of returns, and trust the monitor sites.

Although it can be a great opportunity, you need to go into it with your eyes open. If you find a scam, then report it to the nearest Treasury office or monitor website. If you dont, then you may have just found the way to an early retirement.

Stock Investment for Beginners

Stock investment is a career, hobby or tool that is not easily accessible to everyone. It can be very risky and can cost you a lot of money if you don’t know anything about handling a portfolio and applying a working strategy in your investing activities. For the new investor, it is a business that will require a lot of skills and knowledge in order to be successful. Serious business it may be, but it certainly is one that will earn you a generous amount of money if you pursue it with the right information and smart decision-making.

Research the investment type that you want to trade –

It is necessary to learn more about the securities that you wish to invest in. As it can be a factor that can contribute to your success in the stock market, gaining valuable information regarding the investment types that you can pursue will be of great help in your undertaking as a novice in stock market dealings. With so many tools and resources available to you, both online and offline, there is no excuse for not doing proper research before you make any decisions. From guides, books, seminars, training courses, newsletters, reputable websites, audio courses, podcasts and much more, you have access to more information than ever to help you decide what type of investment is right for you.

Look for a working strategy that you can employ in trading –

Beginning stock investing requires careful evaluation of your options. You have to be certain that what you are doing is right and that it will help you reap the rewards of your undertaking. The easiest way to achieve this is to apply an investment strategy that you have cautiously analyzed.

A working strategy can be the key to the outcomes of your stock market transactions. You will be able to come up with one if you will take the time to research the market including all the factors that affect its movement. Though there is no certainty as to the markets predictability, knowledge about how it tends to vary depending on its various determinants shall help you employ the most applicable technique for your investments. With careful stuffy, you will be able to earn great returns with your stock market dealings.

Stock investment for beginners can be very lucrative, but you have to understand that it is not easy to take part in and should not be taken lightly. Before you jump in, don’t be afraid to get help from professionals, it may be a decision that saves you a load of money.

Personal Finance for Seniors Be Careful of Investment Scams

Studies have shown senior citizens are frequently the target of various investment scams, with many losing money and property to dishonest and predatory operators. The good news is that armed with the following information – seniors will know what to look for and can identify and avoid such scams.

Here is a list of the common scams that target the elderly, and how each operates.

Pyramid schemes
Investment seminars
“Compensation” Scams
Equipment leases
Gift annuities

Pyramid schemes

An old favorite for the scamsters, Pyramid schemes assure high returns to investors, but the only people who systematically get rich from these schemes are the promoters themselves. These investment opportunities generally promise large profits based on the investors’ ability to enlist other people to join the programs. Because the scheme uses the money from new investors to make payments to the old ones, some initial investors make money, but sooner or later, these schemes collapse and most of the investors lose all their money. Pyramid schemes often have no other source of revenue except for money put in by the new investors.

Investment seminars

Investment seminars do help to make money, but the ones who are consistently laughing their way to the bank are the advice peddlers. They are the ones making money from the admission charges, books, posters and audiotapes/ CDs sales. You should be very wary whenever you are offered any such get-rich-quick schemes.

“Compensation” Scams

These scams bring to mind the old adage, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”. Investment scam victims often let the scamsters take them for a ride repeatedly. This is because the scammers promise to compensate the previous losses and bring in fresh gains. After losing some funds, seniors who have been duped once often go along with the new schemes with the hope of recouping their losses. Instead, they compound the damage and let the con artists take away more from their savings.

Equipment leases

It is true that most of the equipment lease deals are genuine, but there are quite a few tricksters operating who try to take advantage of the seniors by selling interests in ATMs, pay phones and Internet kiosks. What generally happens in such a scam is that companies sell equipment through intermediaries and then agree to lease back the equipment for a fee. Investors are promised huge profits with no risk. But the unrealistically high commissions and returns that they claim to pay are not feasible, and would doom any project.

Gift annuities

Gift annuities are basically cash/ property transfers to charitable organizations. A charitable gift annuity is just like a normal fixed annuity – except that a charity benefits from your investment. There is no problem with gift annuities per se, but many small organizations have jumped into the fray, promising high returns but giving only vague information about themselves. These are generally designed to relieve you of your funds or property, and it’s best to steer clear of such schemes.

While there is no shortage of con artists, most of them operate in very predictive ways, as outlined above. Seniors citizens can easily recognize these scams from the descriptions and methodologies mentioned here, and steer clear of the scammers before they are taken advantage of.