A Coaching Scenario – Lack Of Motivation

There are so many varying scenarios under which a coach can alter the outcome. These may range from personal emotional crisis to simply improving the productivity of an already stellar employee. In any case, the skills of a coach must be moldable and adaptable to the individual. I wish to demonstrate this with a scenario.

Let us say that there is a young man by the name of Tyler who has come onto your team as a sales representative. In his interview with you and the other members of your management team, he demonstrated a strong confidence and great people skills. You felt certain that this young man would be a successful addition to your team. He knew how to interview well, and you could tell that he was convinced of his possibilities for success in your company. He loved the product and asked all the right questions to help you realize that he was prepared to work hard for you.

When Tyler started, he was partnered with another more experienced sales representative and was given the chance to step up and work on his own after just a short while. He exceeded expectations. His determination to find leads and get the close on clients was far beyond the company goals. His goals and accomplishments were independent of the rest of the sales team. He became well recognized for his efforts and was soon invited to relocate and gather new clients on another side of the country. He reports to you via telephone and email, and you note that he continues to perform as expected.

Soon, however, you notice a drop in his productivity. He begins to lose steam and is not sending as many new clients to HQ. When you are in contact with him you can sense that he is making many excuses for his failing performance. He avoids responsibility and attempts to convince you that he is still as determined as ever. Your concern for your employee is well placed.

At this point you need a game-plan to help Tyler get back onto his feet. You have seen what an amazing employee he can be, and you don’t want to lose him. What do you do to help Tyler without hurting his confidence in himself? Keep your eyes open for the second article which will help you to inspire Tyler back to his stellar position.