Konsultan Sop Cara Membuat Prosedur Kerja Standar Prosedur Kerja Sop Consultant Training Sop

Dalam menjalankan proses bisnis suatu perusahaan / instansi akan melibatkan seluruh fungsi yang ada. Masing -masing fungsi mempunyai peran yang sama pentingnya. Ketika peran salah satu dari fungsi tersebut tidak optimal maka akan berpengaruh juga pada fungsi lainnya. Bagaimana hubungan proses kerja antara fungsi yang satu dengan yang lain dapat digambarkan dalam suatu standar prosedur kerja yang sering disebut dengan SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).

Peran SOP / prosedur kerja perusahaan tidak hanya sebatas hal tersebut di atas, SOP mempunyai banyak peran yang sangat membantu perusahaan untuk terus berkembang dan mencapai tujuannya.

Peran dari adanya suatu prosedur kerja / SOP di suatu perusahaan yakni :
“SOP sebagai acuan kerja.
Dengan adanya SOP, setiap karyawan akan dilengkapi dengan petunjuk/acuan yang berisi tahapan dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan yang memberikan kontrol terhadap proses dan hasil dari suatu pekerjaan tersebut sehingga hasilnya selalu konsisten. Selain itu juga, karyawan akan mengetahui dengan jelas uraian tugas / job description dan tanggung jawab yang harus dilakukannya serta akan mengetahui target yang harus dicapai dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan tersebut.

“SOP sebagai bahan pelatihan.
SOP dapat menjadi bahan pelatihan bagi karyawan baru dimana karyawan dapat belajar proses bisnis perusahaan dari SOP yang ada. Karyawan tersebut tidak lagi bergantung pada karyawan yang lama atau bagian lain yang terkait dengan pekerjaan tersebut.

“SOP sebagai dasar audit.
SOP dapat sebagai dasar audit untuk menelesuri ketidaksesuaian yang terjadi. Ketika ada proses yang menyimpang atau produk yang dihasilkan tidak sesuai dengan standar, maka dapat diidentifikasi letak kesalahannya dan juga dapat mengetahui cara untuk memperbaikinya.

“SOP sebagai bukti pemenuhan persyaratan.
Memiliki dan menerapkan SOP saat ini sering dijadikan sebagai suatu persyaratan bagi perusahaan dalam mengikuti suatu tender atau penawaran kerjasama. Selain itu juga, ketika perusahaan hendak menerapkan suatu standar internasional “” ISO dan mendapatkan sertifikasinya atau pengakuan secara internasional, maka perusahaan dipersyaratkan harus mempunyai suatu dokumen standar prosedur kerja yakni SOP.

Keberadaan SOP saat ini penting namun sering kali tidak dilihat, berguna namun sering kali tidak dipakai. Hal ini disebabkan karena SOP yang bertele-tele, bahasa yang sulit untuk dimengerti, model SOP yang tidak familiar, SOP yang tidak efektif, atau SOP yang cenderung dianggap sebagai tambahan beban pekerjaan dan juga ada faktor sulit untuk merubah kebiasaan kerja yang sudah dilakukan bertahun tahun dan masih banyak hal lainnya.

Kami SIEN Consultants yang sudah berdiri sejak tahun 2001 merupakan perusahaan jasa konsultan dan training, salah satu bidang services kami adalah memberikan jasa konsultan SOP dan training SOP. Kami selalu berusaha memperbaiki services yang kami berikan karena kami mengutamakan kepuasan pelangggan kami. Kami selalu mendesain SOP yang sesuai dengan kondisi di internal perusahaan klien kami dan selalu ber acuan pada kebijakan perusahaan sehingga SOP yang ada dapat diterapkan dan diterima dengan baik oleh seluruh komponen perusahaan.

Dengan pengalaman yang kami miliki dalam berbagai jenis bisnis usaha mulai dari pengembangan SOP perusahaan jasa, SOP manufaktur, SOP pertambangan, SOP kontraktor, SOP perkebunan, SOP investasi, SOP industri makanan baik perusahaan bers skala kecil maupun perusahaan besar, perusahaan swasta maupun instansi pemerintahan dan BUMN kami yakin mampu mendesain SOP yang tepat guna bagi perusahaan Anda. SOP yang kami kembangkan mulai dari SOP Operasional, SOP HRD, SOP GA, SOP Produksi, SOP Finance, SOP Accounting, SOP Marketing, SOP Purchasing, SOP Administrasi, dll.

Untuk menggunakan jasa kami dalam konsultasi SOP dan training SOP, Anda dapat menghubungi kami di 021 “” 32403909 atau dapat juga mengirim email ke [emailprotected] Anda juga dapat melihat profile perusahaan kami di www.konsultan-bisnis.com

Integrated Management Systems – Advantages To Integrate High Quality, Ohs And Ems

The actual Integrated Management Systems (IMS) has become a hot theme not only among manufacturing corporations but also amongst numerous service institutions for example construction. The main reason for this trend is because of the growing quantity of management systems or standards which are implemented globally. IMS needs the amalgamation of numerous individual management systems for example AS/NZS ISO 9001, AS/NZS ISO 14001, AS/NZS 4801 and several more. Therefore, the main objective of an IMS is always to manage an organisation by way of a single harmonized management system rather than numerous management systems.

The thought of IMS became very related with the introduction and execution of ISO 14001 which envisaged integrated organizational method (or systems method) to environmental sustainability. In the same way, IMS has become a lot more important with the introduction of many standards. As much more and a lot more management systems are obtainable today, it is important for any organization to perform towards a harmonized, easy and simply implementable IMS.

It is really likely that any business implementing AS/NZS ISO 14001 (or the environmental management program), has a high quality management method (such asISO 9001) currently in location. Today, not just consumers but also regulatory authorities insist that the suppliers or service organizations (for example construction organisations) should implement AS/NZS ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems (QMS) whilst moving towards ISO 14001.

When a person closely examine the AS/NZS ISO 9001, AS/NZS ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 4801 Occupational Well being &Safety (OHS), he/she would discover that each one of these systems have many common processes and procedures. Also, its essential to note that there are no ISO standards for OHS. However, implementation OHS or adhering to OHS requirements in an organization may be easy if it has the QMS and EMS accreditation currently in spot.

Why any business seeks for IMS ?

In order to preserve or satisfy clients, several institutions mandate its suppliers or service providers (for example construction contractors) developing and implementing their own quality, OHS and environmental management systems.

To overcome trade barriers, many institutions or construction companies (operating in global markets like USA, EU, and Australasia) adapt and implement ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accreditations. Such accreditations not just enhance the image of any organization globally as quality and environmentally conscious organization but in addition such an organization is readily accepted by consumers in the global markets.

Cost reduction by way of lower insurance payments: – Many corporations that have implemented AS/NZS ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 4801 can be eligible for reduced Insurance premium offered by insurance companies. The organisations for example construction businesses which are operating in highly risky and constantly changing work environment may be able to get appreciable benefit by way of IMS which comprised of AS/NZS ISO 9001, AS/NZS ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 4801.

It demonstrates not merely their commitment to top quality and also its adherence to processes and procedures required for the safety of the workers at the work place including the environment.

To boost the effectiveness of the QMS, EMS and OHS,
To demonstrate the sensitiveness to the environment and commitment to safety by doing the right thing at the first time, as described in ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 4801.
To reduce the manufacturing and operating costs and enhance Return on Investment (ROI) through implementation of QMS, EMS and OHS

Aside from above, any business can get a higher ROI by way of IMS which uses the advantage of similarities of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and AS/NZS 4801. Also, it can minimize ambiguities and confusion amongst employees when implementing the QMS, EMS and OHS associated standards.

Latest statistics reveal that several institutions have successfully integrated partially or fully all the management systems. For example, automotive, electronics, steel, chemical and service (construction industry) industries have proven the effectiveness of IMS via improved ROI. Basically, they were capable to decrease operating costs, time required to implement the processes, complexity (or ambiguity) of the management systems, through IMS. Similarly, such companies were able to have higher employee satisfaction and moral by way of integrated or simplified strategy to defining function instructions or job descriptions and tasks or performance standards.

There are a number of rewards could be derived via implementation of an IMS in an organization:

Since QMS, EMS and OHS has similarities, all three can be simply combined to have common organizational goals and objectives;
Can have a harmonized and simplified management program in the organization; in essence, workers or staff can be provided with one set of clear instructions rather than multiple instructions that can lead to confusion and conflicts. Therefore, much documentation and reporting on each system can be minimized.
The training of employees can be streamlined under single system rather than multiple training required under a number of systems.
Optimum use of resources resulting from maintaining a single process for all activities required under IMS. In other words, staff training, document control, management review, corrective and preventive actions need only less time and effort compared to implementing multiple management systems.
Can enhance organizational performance in terms of reduced customer complaints, product non-conformities, accident, wellness and environmental related risks; similarly, it can reduce top quality related risks or issues as well.
It helps the organization to combine high quality, environmental and OHS objectives into the overarching corporate strategy.
It emphasise the top management and the staff at all levels to consider top quality, environment and safety with equal priority.
It puts in place a broad agenda for continual improvement of top quality, environmental and OHS systems.

In summing up, one can conclude that Integrated Management Method will allow any construction organization (or any other) to combine quality (AS/NZS ISO 9001), Environment (AS/NZS ISO14001) and Wellness and Safety (AS/NZS 4801) into a single management system. It will not just make the organization effective in terms of compliance on high quality, environmental and wellness & safety but additionally be able to improve its efficiency and productivity resulting in higher ROI.

Elements Of Iso 14001 Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 is one amongst a series of environmental management standards aimed toward promoting continual improvement in company environmental performance through the adoption associated implementation of an environmental management system. The ISO 14001 environment standard specifies the core components of associate EMS, however contains solely those components which will be objectively audited for certification or self-declaration functions. Environmental Management System standard, ISO 14001:2004 include examples, descriptions associated choices that aid within the implementation of an EMS and in desegregation the EMS into overall management practices. It’s not meant to be used by certification/registration bodies.

ISO 14001 defines associate overall environmental management system, closely shapely on the ISO 9000 quality systems standard, and covers the subsequent key elements:

* Establishment of associate applicable environmental policy that’s documented and communicated to staff and created out there to the general public, and which incorporates a commitment to continual improvement and pollution interference, regulative compliance and a framework for setting objectives;

* A designing section that covers the identification of the environmental aspects of the organization’s activities, identification and access to legal necessities, institution and documentation of objectives and targets in keeping with the policy, and institution of a program for achieving aforesaid targets and objectives.

* Implementation and operation of the EMS as well as the definition, documentation and communication of roles and responsibilities, provision of applicable coaching, assurance of adequate internal and external communication, written management system documentation likewise as applicable document management procedures, documented procedures for operational controls, and documented and communicated emergency response procedures;

* Checking and corrective action procedures , as well as procedures for normal watching and measure of key characteristics of the operations and activities, procedures for coping with things of non-conformity, specific record maintenance procedures and procedures for auditing the performance of the EMS;

* Periodic management reviews of the general EMS to make sure its suitableness, adequacy and effectiveness in light-weight of adjusting circumstances

The EMS as made public in ISO 14001 provides a structured method for the accomplishment of continual improvement, the speed and extent of that is decided by the organization in light-weight of economic and different circumstances. Though some improvement in environmental performance will be expected because of the adoption of a scientific approach, it ought to be understood that the EMS could be a tool that permits the organization to realize and consistently management the amount of environmental performance that it sets itself. The institution of associate EMS won’t, in itself, essentially end in a right away reduction of adverse environmental impact. Indeed, care has to be taken that the mere institution of associate EMS doesn’t lull the organization into a false sense of security. However effectively used, associate EMS ought to change a corporation to enhance its environmental performance and avoid or cut back adverse environmental impacts over time.

Integration of environmental matters with the general management system will contribute to the effective implementation of the environmental management system, likewise on the potency and clarity of roles.