CrashProof Prosperity

Crashproof Prosperity…sounds like two words that only went together a long time ago in some Utopian legend…perhaps in Arthur’s court at Camelot?

Well, if Camelot is required to put “Crashproof” and “Prosperity” together in the same sentence, then Kip Herriage, Gerald Celente, and Wayne Allyn Root must be knights of the round table. If anyone can teach Crashproof prosperity, it would be them.

They are all self-made millionaires with proven track records. They all run their own companies, so they know business. They all predicted the collapse in 2008, so they know the economy.

Gerald Celente has devoted his life to predicting trends on the economic, social, business, and world stages for the past three decades. He predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the War in Iraq, terrorist activities on US soil, the crash of 2008…and hundreds more, all before they happened. His Trends Journal is part of CrashProof Prosperity.

Kip Herriage has built a company that is now active in over 100 countries around the world. He also publishes the VRA Newsletter, which has enabled hundreds of subscribers to experience exponentially larger gains than what they could expect from the usually mutual fund portfolios recommended by most financial advisors.

Wayne Allyn Root is one of the most colorful businessmen and politicians in the USA today. He has a vice presidential candidacy under his belt and is likely to be the Libertarian Presidential Candidate in 2012. His business and political insight is invaluable to discovering what is happening with the North American and world economies at any given time.

The Crashproof Prosperity line up is incredible, especially considering the price at just a fraction of what Kip Herriage is charging for his VRA letter on its own. insiders have said that any one of the Crashproof team would be worth the price on their own, but they are including all three.

The product will be available for purchase on February 14, in time for Valentine’s day, with a pre-launch running the week and a half leading up to that day.

How To Buy A Property Through Bank Auction

Besides announcements in newspapers by banks, are there any other sources from which a potential buyer can get information on property auctions? Are they other websites such as

Ans: Other than announcements in newspapers some banks update the notices in their own websites, i.e the interested investor has to visit 83 Bank Website for information.
is the only website providing such information free of cost across the nation for 33 cities covering almost 80 % area of India. The details of other sites along with comparison with those site is attached.

2.) Usually, how much is the earnest money deposit which a potential buyer needs to put up? Is it always upto 10% of the reserve price or can it be more/less? How much is the reserve price usually? Is it always at a discount to the market rate?
Ans: i. The Earnest Money deposit is usually 10 % of the reserve price. In some cases, the DRT’s are mentioning even 5 % also.

ii. Th reserve price is finalized by the Authorized officer in consultation with the approved valuer.
8 (5) Before effecting sale of the immovable property referred to in sub-rule (1) of rule 9, the authorised officer shall obtain valuation of the property from an
approved valuer and in consultation with the secured creditor, fix the reserve price of the property and may sell the whole or any part of such immovable secured asset by
any of the following methods:–
(a) by obtaining quotations from the persons dealing with similar secured assets or
otherwise interested in buying the such assets; or
(b) by inviting tenders from the public;
(c) by holding public auction; or
(d) by private treaty.

The approved valuer will give two prices (a) Market value (b) Dis stressed value. This Dis stressed value will be generally 20 % to 30 % less than the market value. The authorized officer will finalize the reserve price based on the dis stressed value or as per his discretion.

iii. It is always at a discount to the market. Otherwise, Investors will not buy these properties due to two reasons. (1) 100 % white money is to be paid and source of funds are to be shown . (2). Registration charges are to be paid on the total amount. Generally in some of the states, around 40 % black money is being paid for buying of the properties and registration charges will be paid on 60 % white amount only.

3.) Can winning bidders obtain bank loans to buy the property? Will the same bank auctioning the property lend to the buyer?

Ans: i. Very few winning bidders are taking loans to buy these type of property due to the following reasons. (a) Loan has to be processed and disbursed with in 15 days, very tight schedule for processing of Housing loan. (b) Some Bankls like IDBI Bank, LIC Housing Finance and to some extent ICICI Bank are not encouraging to give loans for these type of properties. Further, in some cases, the same bank may lend to the buyer it depends on the credibility of the buyer.

If Reserve Bank of India issues a policy guide lines for sanction of Housing loans to these type of properties , then the percentage of sale of these type of properties will increase from around 50 % to at least 70 %.

4.) As I understand, full payment needs to be paid by the winning bidder to the bank within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the bid, else money already paid is forfeited. Given this tight timeline, is taking a loan (if possible) a practical option? Does this then restrict the property auction process to HNIs who have funds ready?
Ans: 1. Yes, full payment is to be made with in 15 days from the date of Aauction, else money already paid is forfeited.
2. Taking a pre approved loan is the practical option to buy these type of properties.
3. You are right partially and as per our observations, the NRI’s are also buying these properties.( Who are working in Arab countries & USA, UK etc ) .
Around 13 % of the visitors to our site are coming from USA, UK, Arab Countries, Singapore, Australia & New Zealand etc.
4. We have observed that some of the banks are extending the time to 30 days, in some cases.

5.) What are the chances of auction price being bid up sharply by potential buyers? If this happens, it would take away from the main attraction of the auction – getting the property at cheaper rates that market prices. When/How often does such a situation arise?
Ans: As per our observation, if the Banks have put 100 properties for auction, the success rate / sales may be like this.

1. No bidders are coming for around 45 properties , due to improper reserve price, No publicity, external political situations like Telangana issue etc. These properties are laying with Banks as unsold and they are providing provisions in their balance sheet for these NPA’s.
2. One to three bidders are coming for around 45 properties , the final auction price is being settled nearer to reserve price only.
3. Three or more than three bidders are coming for about 10 % properties and auction is being held and the final auction price is higher.
In our view, if any one is interested about any property, he/ she will have chance of winning that property is around 85 %.

6.) Does the as-is where-is clause increase risks for the buyer in the form of hidden costs, or is the buyer indemnified by the bank?
Ans :The hidden costs are mainly property tax, power/water/phone bill, maintenance fees such costs can be found by normally speaking to the head of the society/apartments. The buyer should always check these hidden cost before placing a bid for it. The Banks will not indemnify on paper. However, the Banks will put their efforts to resolve any issue arises considering their reputation.

7.) What is the risk of legal dispute after the buyer acquires the property? Can the original owner or other buyer competitors go to court, and cause trouble for the buyer?
Ans : After the property is sold there is no legal risk. In some cases the auction is conducted while the case is still in court. In such cases, once the case is settled the borrower is given an additional 15-30 days time to clear the dues. If the borrower is unable to do so, then the sale certificate is issued to the buyer. If the borrower settles the amount then the amount deposited by the buyer is refunded. :

8.) From the perspective of the buyer, are offline or online auctions better?
Ans : Online auctions are better. At present, Karnataka State Financial Corporation,, and are conducting online auctions for selling of immovable assets in very limited way.

9.) How popular are online auctions by banks? Has it picked up? Why or why not?
Ans : Online auctions are less than 4 % of total auctions. Our view is that online auctions are in nascent stage in India. A lot is to be developed in terms of Technology, Processes, awareness, adaptability.

We have a vision to conduct online auctions in seven cities i.e tier I & II cities, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune & Kolkatta in near future. We want to conduct the Auctions on fixed dates every month.

Honda Used Atvs Sales Market In Usa

ATVs are the vehicles that are the off-road vehicles and also are created for making fun and having adventurous experience from the rides. USA is having the largest users of ATVs but recently the sales of new ATVs has gone down steeply due to many of the reasons like Recession, stiff competition from the used ATV industries and also the lower purchasing power of the people. The increasing unemployment ratio is also the major cause of lowering purchasing potential. But the lower standard of living has not affected the popularities of ATVs and therefore people are turning more towards the used ATVs for sale industries.

There are many of the benefits in buying the used vehicles as they can be earned quite cheaply, the better and smarter brands can be bought in the budgets and also the buyer can enjoy the buying with the wider selection range that is offered by multiple used ATV dealers all across America. There are many of the models and makes that are sold in the used markets but according to last year survey and also the numbers of these years sales, used Honda ATVs are leading all the other brands in the sales of used ATVs. Honda is one of the most powerful and technically superior names in the automotive world. There is many of the specialties attached to these ATVs and are offered with greater extensions to the buyers as well. Here are some of the most attractive points of used Honda ATVs that are pulling the buyers and ATV lovers towards buying.

* The widest experience
Honda is the name one can blindly rely upon as the engineering quality of Honda is always more than superior. The company is leading the production of Trucks, Cars, SUVs, ATVs and last bit not least the Motorbikes. The experience of the technical persons of Honda is outstanding. Any of the vehicles rely mainly upon the engine quality and Honda is offering one of the best engine qualities to the auto lovers. The engine production is the foundation of the company and this Japanese company is leading the engine manufacturing in the world. Such caliber in engine of Honda ATVs are attracting the ATV lovers and persuading them to buy these vehicles.

* The widest range
Honda is quite famous for offering widest range of ATV models. There are many of the utility models and sports models offered by the company. The TRX models of Honda are quite popular in the truck lovers and having longer lasting features. Also the popularity and demands of Honda ATVs are quite huge which has made the Honda lovers more aggressive and attentive. These varieties are making the selection process of Used ATV quite better and where there is better selection, there are better sales, is the thumb rule of marketing. Thus, the Honda lovers can have their best selection area in these categories of used models.

* The cheaper prices
The Honda ATVs are having higher potentials and are offered cheaply due to wider sales. The larger sales make per unit cost lower and the Honda ATVs are therefore offered cheaper than any of the other models of the same category. These cheaper new ATVs make the used ATVs further cheaper and therefore the used models of ATVs are available quite cheaply with the Honda models. These cheap prices are the biggest attraction for the buyers and the buyers can get the most beneficial deals of one of the worlds best brands in ATV models with greater pride and prestige.

These are some of the most fascinating features of Used Honda ATV models and these typical reasons are making them more popular in the lovers which made them leaders in Used ATV for sale industries.

Is Ambit Energy MLM A Scam

Ambit Energy is an energy service provider which utilizes the MLM model to extend its business opportunities to all folks in the USA, established by Jere W. Thompson Jr. and Chris Chamless as co-founders. In the mid 1990’s, both executives of Ambit energy already established an immense background in telecommunications during the times of deregulation. Mainly based in Dallas Texas, Ambit energy already provides energy services in Illinois, Texas, and New York, all 3 deregulated states of America. Additionally, this company was created as soon when 18 states in the USA adopted energy deregulation.

Ambit Energy is a certified legal and legitimate company that really pays its distributors as per compensation plan. In addition to this, even one of of the world’s most progressive company, the Shell Oil, has become a partner of Ambit Energy. Customers and distributors of Ambit Energy are treated very well by the company by providing them satisfaction through help and support for them to attain their dreams of financial independence.

With the company’s compensation plans and bonuses, you really stand the great chance of making a lot of monthly income by taking Ambit Energy as a home business. You can save money on your own energy consumption and make sales with your expanding energy network business by being an associate of Ambit Energy with the position of Independent Consultant.

When we talk about having lots of income in any MLM business just like Ambit Energy, it is really not that kind of easy task to do, but, it is just a simple concept. Why do most of the network marketers failed in their own business? It is simply because they don’t have any idea of what they are doing. In order to become the top marketer among the rest in Ambit Energy business, you need to learn how to market. It only means that you must brand you as a leader and give more value to yourself. It will not be necessary for you to seek your clients if you brand yourself as a leader. They will just come rushing into you automatically.

It is also necessary for you to have a system that can generate high quality leads for you through the use of the internet. Then, you will see that potential costumers and business partners will be drawn into your business with less efforts. As a result, you will see your business in Ambit Energy explode, leading you to become the top earning Independent Consultant or associate.

Guatemala Pensionado Permanent Residency Program

Introduction Guatemala is offering a Pensionado program. This is a permanent residency allowing one to live in Guatemala for the rest of their life. The Pensionado receives a Cedulla which is a national identity card that would allow the person to open a bank account in Guatemala without showing the passport from their home country. The Cedulla is a high tech digital ID card. The identity card can reflect a lawful name modification for additional banking privacy. With the Cedulla one can travel without a passport to five other central american countries, off the grid so to speak.

Time Frame The process takes approximately 2-4 weeks, so three weeks is a fair approximation of the time frame. One does have to be in Guatemala during the process. Five Star hotels run about $100 to $145 a night depending on the season. It is possible to stay in Antigua, Guatemala which is a lovely resort community (google Antigua Guatemala). A large steak dinner in a five star restaurant is about $20. You will find things cheap here.

Fee The complete fees are $8,000 for one person, $9500 for a couple. Each child is an extra $1000. Children must be under 18 years old. All fees are paid at the start of the application. Fees can be paid by cash or wire transfer. We do not take checks because they take longer to clear (30 days) than the program requires to complete.

Pensionado Economic Requirements The program is for retired or disabled people. There is no age restriction. One does have to show financial responsibility. An income of $1000 a month is needed. This is $1250 for a married couple. This is so stated in a declaration to the government. The income is proven with bank statements, stock broker statements etc. Income can be private sourced from investments, rental properties etc. It is a good idea to also present gold and platinum Visa cards as additional support for financial independence. You will not have permission to work as an employee for others. You can be self employed in your own business.

Guatemala Taxes Guatemala does NOT tax offshore derived income. Money coming in from outside of Guatemala is NOT taxed. Your pension, investments etc from outside of Guatemala are not taxed. If you had a shoe store in Guatemala you would pay taxes. There is a VAT of 15% on some goods. A plasma TV costs a few hundred dollars more than in USA. USA cars are about same price without the discounts which are better in USA. European and Asian cars are higher priced. Solid wood furniture is far cheaper than in USA and better quality.

Official Documents Needed One needs their passport, birth certificate and marriage license if married. If possible marriage license and birth certificate should be the more modern variety with seals etc.

Language Requirement None. You do not have to speak Spanish. It is a great idea to start taking spanish lessons ASAP when here or before. There are a number of computer programs that are excellent. Rosetta Stone is popular. We do advocate learning the language. Our law firm and staff all speak English well. The better hotels and restaurants will have English speakers. Most of the Doctors speak English. Many establishments do not speak English as well.

Rights in Guatemala You have the rights of a citizen except you cannot vote and cannot get a passport. As a Pensionado you are not supposed to seek work as an employee for others. This is not the purpose of the program. You can own property, start businesses, own corporations, have bank accounts, get mortgages etc.

Time to Become a Citizen The normal time is five years. After you are a resident for three years to can apply to have the residency time shortened to three years from the normal five years. Only citizens can have passports, not residents.

Cross Border Travel as a Resident There is a Free Border Treaty in Central America. With a Guatemala Residency ID card you can travel by land or boat into the following countries without any passport needed: Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Belize. Costa Rica has signed the treaty but is known for not honoring it so don’t count on them. If you go by commercial airline you will need a passport. Your home country will not know where you are since the passport is not being swiped. You will not be able to open bank accounts in the other countries by just showing your national identity card (Cedulla), just Guatemala.

Name Change What can be done is the maiden name of your mother can be added onto your resident ID (Cedulla) as a third name. If you were Daniel Boone now and your mother maiden name was Smith you could now be Daniel Boone Smith. This is a lawful and customary practice in Latin America but of course optional. Now when you open your bank account in Guatemala it will be in name of Daniel Boone Smith and not reference your home country in the records. No lies and nothing illegal yet this allows you to fall through the cracks.

Guatemala Banking As a Pensionado resident in Guatemala you can have a bank account in Guatemala without showing a passport or any ID from your home country. NO passport needed. What can be done is the maiden name of your mother can be added onto your resident ID (Cedulla) as a third name. If you were Daniel Boone now and your mother maiden name was Smith you could now be Daniel Boone Smith. This is a lawful and customary practice in Latin America but of course optional.

Now when you open your bank account in Guatemala it will be in name of Daniel Boone Smith and not reference your home country in the records. No lies and nothing illegal yet this allows you to fall through the cracks. Guatemala has NO tax treaties for information sharing with any country. There will be no sharing of any banking information for tax reasons (any sort of tax or tax related case). Guatemala has no Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) with the USA, Canada, UK or EU Countries. This means sharing of information for criminal cases will be difficult.

Other Countries Pensionado Residency Programs – With the Panama Pensionado program there is a zero chance of ever opening a bank account without showing your home country passport. We know people who have tried this with a number of Panama Banks. The Panama banks are not allowed to take the pensionado ID or even a permanent residency ID to open a bank account. The cell phone companies in Panama will not open an account without one showing a home country passport no matter what sort of Panama permanent residency they have. All the panama residency programs, permanent, pensionado or otherwise, are nothing more than long term tourist visa, period. Panama residency ID’s of any sort do not allow for any cross border travel without a passport.There are very few Pensionado programs in the world today. There are residency programs. They usually take about six months to process a residency and one needs to remain in the country during this period of time.

Does One Live Free in Guatemala ? Oh think of it like the USA in the 1950’s. The police cannot come into your home without a search warrant. None of this “I heard a cry for help” garbage. Warrants from the patrol car radio are not happening. The police will need evidence of a violation of law to get a warrant. We did not say probable cause as in a reasonable person would deduct blah blah blah, that is USA not Guatemala. Not a common thing to see a search warrant issued here. If the police stop your car you can refuse to let them search it. You can also call your lawyer and wait until the lawyer comes and then the search proceeds, your choice. The police will generally be polite and a request to search a car would be like when there is an emergency and a roadblock scenario to catch fleeing felons who were shooting at police or something drastic. Not a common thing.

We have a kind of police called Transito. Traffic cops is what they are. They have no guns. They have cool yellow green uniforms with white helmets like Bermuda Police. They can only do traffic or auto equipment violations. Normally they will have a side of the road setup and look at cars to make sure they have a current sticker. They will check trucks to see if their loads are secure or not. When pulled they ask for driver license to make sure it is current. None of this – “where are you going, can I look in your trunk, do you have any weapons, have anything I should know about”. None of this happens with a traffic stop. If you do get a ticket just send your lawyer down to appear for you and pay fine. No point system. Very rare to ever see radar and never saw laser yet in Guatemala. People don’t even bother with radar detectors. Never saw any speed or red light cameras. They do offer parking tickets for parking violations and they can be generous in this area in some locations. Tickets are cheap, relax. Some towns like Antigua boot cars. Never park illegally in Antigua they love parking enforcement. Antigua has a special tourist police force that are on almost every corner when it is busy. They often speak English and you will find them very polite and eager to help. If you say you want leather belts they will even tell you where such a store that sells that is located.

The regular Guatemala police are called the black police (policia negro) because their cars and uniforms are black. They have guns. They do not work traffic and cannot pull you for traffic reasons. They are crime fighters only. They generally ignore you. The police will probably never show if you call them to come to your house or if they did it would take a lot of time. I never knew anyone to have their house robbed. We live in gated communities with armed guards. We have alarm systems. When the alarm goes off two ex military guys from the alarm company on a motorcycle come with guns. Often in about five minutes. One hides behind cover and the other walks around to see what is up. They have body armor and are serious fellows. So you have the armed guards in the community, some sort of fence, the alarm and now the alarm guards show up. Never knew anyone to have his home robbed.

The lawyers and court system does not work in a harassing way like in USA. This is not a society that likes lawsuits. Lawyers do a lot of contracts, real estate law, family law, criminal law but not a lot of civil litigation. If you go about your business and do not bother other people, no one will be bothering you. People here do not go out and start trouble with their lawyers like up north. People will tend to settle their differences more sanely here than the USA. That being said never ever sign any real estate agreement or any contract without a lawyer to review it. I think this rule applies anywhere. The freedom here is very noticeable.

Firearms A resident can apply for permission to own and carry concealed firearms. Assault weapons are not allowed to be purchased now which means no centerfire rifles under a current law which is going to expire in a few months and will most likely not be renewed, as a political guess. There are some already registered assault rifles that could transfer but would have to be kept in the home only, no carrying. They will be hard to find and most likely in .223 caliber.

You can have handguns in any common caliber and 12 ga. Shotguns in semi-auto, pump, double barreled etc. Glocks, CZ, Beretta, Sig Sauer, Walther, Jerico, and Bull are the popular quality handgun brands. Mossberg and Remington are popular shotgun brands. Franchi makes a 14″ pump in 12 ga that is sold as a regular shotgun and can be included on a carry permit, legal and nice for the car. One can get plastic shoulder stocks for some glock pistols and Jerico pistols. The stocks are not a restricted or controlled item. This is called a short barreled rifle in some countries. The most popular handgun calibers are 9mm and .40 but there are a lot of 45acp., .380, and .22 pistols available. Anyone who thinks they cannot defend themselves adequately with a Berretta or Glock handgun and a 12 ga pump shotgun in an urban environment does not know what they are talking about, end of story.

A person is only allowed to purchase 700 rounds of ammunition per month for each gun owned, range ammo excluded. Most manage without shedding any tears. Importing guns is a possibility but they are never going to consider more than two guns being imported. A forty two gun collection is either an arsenal or a store to the customs officials, forget it. Same with your 35,000 rounds of ammo. We have quality shotgun ammo and premium Magtech, handgun ammo in the gun stores. The gun and ammo variety in the USA is not here but we have anything you need for functional self-defense. No handloading. That is considered an ammunition manufacturing facility in most Latin America countries.

One can own an unlimited amount of firearms in their home. Each firearm has a title certificate for it similar to a car title. A person can only have 12 weapons included on their carry license. Rotating guns on the license is possible but a big pain in the neck, ill advised. There are at least 18 gun stores in Guatemala City and the suburbs. There are a lot of guns in Guatemala. We have 100,000 security guards most with a Mossberg 12 ga maverick pistol grip or a .38 caliber revolver. We keep our homes, communities, stores, malls, restaurants safe that way. It does not let the criminals take root.

This paragraph is so extensive because a lot of people are escaping police states and gun ownership is a cherished right and we applaud and support this right. On the other hand no law says you have to own a gun and many people do not own guns. Guatemala is a free country and we do not impose our will on people.

Knives and Edged Weapons Many people carry machetes on their belts, usually in the countryside. Can be startling at first since it looks like a sword. They use them to work on the land. A single edged folding knife with a blade of 3.9″ or less can be carried in a pocket or on the belt in an urban area but is not restricted in the country. There are no size restrictions in the code for non-folding knives. There is a prohibition against automatic knifes, stilettos (not sure of legal definition) and daggers (again not sure of legal definition). If you ask where assisted folders etc stand the answer is we do not know. Could be construed as an automatic or not? Same for flippers. Laws not defined clearly. Generally speaking knives are not considered a prohibited item and enforcement is not tight, but follow the law. This section was included because many of our clients are escaping from oppressive police states and their rights are very important to them and thus to us as well.

Drivers License Of course you can have a driver license as a resident. It is a bit bureaucratic and some red tape. You can drive on your home country license for some time while you adjust into your new home.

Health Care You will find the health care better than North America and Europe. The Doctors almost always have English. The staff is three times nicer than what you’d expect. The hospitals are cleaner and far cheaper. A hospital suite is about $165 a day in an expensive neighborhood. Pharmacies generally do not require a prescription and drug prices are about one third of the USA price.

Pharmacies deliver, many round the clock. Doctors make house calls for $25 to $30. Dentists are about 25% of the USA price and are very good. Veterinarians also make house calls for same price and are excellent. If the pet needs to go into for x-rays etc they transport for you. Without the oppressive prescription laws you can treat a lot of pet infections yourself by just buying the drugs or the pet store will help you out. We have a lot of homeopathy practitioners. There are chiropractors and naturopaths. There are some health food stores and organic food is becoming more and more available. Plastic surgery is popular and affordable. In a word health care way more affordable and better.

Real Estate We live far better than North Americans or Europeans imagine. Most of our single family detached homes are at least 500 sq. meters. A sq. meter is 10.75 sq. feet. Most housing that is top drawer will run $900 to $1100 a sq. meter. In the countryside real estate prices are lower. The more rural the lower it gets. It is common to see homes of 800 to 1000 sq. meters. Hacienda homes will run up to 1800 sq. meters. For a perspective one can get a 3000 sq. foot (not meter) executive townhouse in a gated community with armed guards new for $200,000 with fenced yard, garage etc. Check out a community called Antigua, Guatemala in google. You can get a great townhouse there for $150,000 a beautiful patio home $250,000 to $350,000.

Beaches We have beaches on the Pacific and Caribbean. Simple but acceptable beach homes can be had for $100,000 to $150,000. The Pacific beaches are about ninety minutes from Guatemala City. Beaches are warm and humid.

Weather Guatemala is at about 5000 foot altitude. It is 55 to 75 degrees year round. Homes have no air conditioners or heaters. Think of savings on utility bills. We do use fans, usually ceiling fans. It never snows except on the very top of the volcanoes. Warning: Do not bring ice skates, they will rust.

Schools There are a number of k-12 private schools. They are generally bi-lingual english and Spanish. The schools have campuses with playgrounds etc. They are far nicer than USA schools and the teacher student ratio is much lower. Costs vary from school to school but will be a fraction of USA price.

Domestic Help A live in maid runs $175 a month plus you feed them and supply uniforms. A gardner handyman can run $400 a month if you need one every day. A driver would run $500 a month live in. A nanny for the kids would run about $225 a month live in. Elderly folks can hire two maids and a driver and avoid going to a rest home. There are always two servants on premises and they can go on car trips, to the doctor, shopping, beauty parlor etc. They do not have to clean, cook or drive. Beats the heck out of the alternative.

Food The food is close to organic or free range meat. Prices are a fraction of USA prices and quality is wonderful. Numerous fruits priced so low almost for free. All kinds of vegetables, breads, juices etc. The food is Central American style not Mexican so it is not very spicy. We have restaurants offering anything you could want including: French, Greek, Italian, Steaks, Chops and Ribs, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese. Middle Eastern, German and much more.

Internet We have 1 meg DSL and cable connections available.

Cell Phones We have great cell phones, 3G etc.

How to start Call, email or Skype us. We will create an immigration case file for you. We will have you send us scans of the documents required for review by one of our lawyers. If the documents are not in order we will have you correct them before coming since it is much cheaper and easier this way. Next after the documents are in order you will need to schedule a trip to Guatemala. The hotels will send a shuttle bus to pick you up at the airport. We will have one of our English speaking drivers collect you from the hotel and take you to our executive offices to begin. A bi-lingual associate from the law firm will accompany you to all the needed visits to government offices for fingerprinting, signatures, photos etc. You never go to government offices yourself. We do require a $1000 deposit in order to open a file and begin the work. This fee is 100% applied to the Pensionado fee. It is not an additional fee. This is paid by wire transfer.

1. First you fill out an online order form. Click Here
2. Next you send us scan of passports of all parties applying (husband, wife kids, etc). These are sent in an email as a file attachment to .
3. Then we will forward wire instructions to you. We do need to have the $1000 fee paid before we can schedule an appointment. You can pay the remaining fee when here in cash or by wire transfer. You could also elect to pay the whole fee before coming as many immigration clients do for convenience.
4. Then you come to Guatemala.When you come for your appointment you remain here and process for the Pensionado. Figure about three weeks. You will not be busy every day so there will be time for sightseeing. We have beaches, Mayan Ruins, Volcanoes to hike up and there is always Antigua. One could always drive over to a nice white sand beach, all inclusive hotel in El Salvador like the Decameron with a three and a half hour drive time. In about four hours you can be in Mexico where there is a lot of cheap shopping. In any event many of our clients just enjoy a nice rest hanging around the swimming pool at one of our many five star resorts. Warning Our food, beverages and wines are so good here do not even think about dieting.