Need Help To Close A Sale Sales Jokes Can Really Work!
Telling sales jokes to help lighten the mood can be a great start for any sales pitch. Obviously the sales jokes needs to be clean, as you never know whom your really speaking to and what morals they do or do not have on certain topics. The more you get to know your client and you keep sales jokes and humour in your pitches the better the relationship can become.
Sales Jokes can be seen or heard everyday in radio and television commercials and in all types of advertising. We even have television shows all about funny advertising. With all of this it is no wonder we bring sales jokes into our day to day sales pitches and conversations. Even the toughest of customers have a funny bone somewhere so finding an opportunity to us a sales joke might just lighten the mood and make your conversation seem less about wanting a sale.
Sales jokes can be in the form of face to face sales, email sales, advertising sales the list is really endless there is no time not good for a good old joke and a laugh. We often get too caught up in how we are going to make sales and how are we going to get the customer to listen or want to keep listening to what we are trying to say around selling any product or service.
Keep some jokes up your sleeve, they can just be one-liners even. Try to make the joke around what you are selling be product specific if you can.
An example of a sales joke might be:
Tony was very excited; he had just landed his first professional sales role. On his first day at the company, the sales manager took him up on to the roof of the building and said, “I am going to give you your very first lesson in sales. Stand on the edge of the roof.” Reluctantly, the new salesman moved closer and closer to the edge of the roof. “Now,” said the sales manager, “when I say, ‘jump!’ I want you to jump off the roof.” “But, sir,” protested the green sales recruit, “there’s a huge drop!” “Do you want to succeed in sales?” said the sales manager.” “YES” “And you trust me, don’t you?” “Yes, I guess.” “So do as I say and jump.” Tony jumped. He crashed to the ground and lay there, winded and bruised. His sales manager went racing down the stairs towards him. “That was your first lesson in sales, Tony. Never trust anyone in business!”
At the end of the day everybody loves a good laugh, so by using sales jokes and humour in your conversations with customers you are creating a solid ground for your sales pitch to feel less like a sales pitch.