The 6 Ws Of Target Marketing

As with any full color printing ad that you create, theres one thing that you should know when you plan- who is your target market?

Defining your target market means focusing on target clients that have the potential to become definite buyers of your product or service. They are the ones who have a need for your business. They are most likely small groups that have the same needs, wants, problems, issues, interests, and experiences.

When target marketing, not only do you customize your color printing to address the needs of your potential clients; it also allows you to limit your costs so you can work according to the resources available to you.

So who is your target market? In order to get those who would actually buy from you, you need to know the 6 Ws of target marketing:

Who would benefit most from your product or service? Who has the most potential to buy from you? Are they men or women? Does your product create excitement among the young generation or the much older ones? Is your target market family-men or are they single-working moms?

What do these target clients want to buy? What are their interests? Are they easily keyed up everytime a new model of mobile phone comes out of the market? Are they a techy-kind of clients? What do they mostly purchase each year?

When do they usually buy- when they have the money or when they need it? During sales or even on regular days? When do they shop? Do they enjoy wrestling with so many people during sales? Or they would rather buy after everyone has stopped the buying frenzy? Do they buy on impulse?

Where do they usually buy- at the local grocer or at the mall? Do they drive to out-of-the-way shops to get specialized items? Do they get excited when they see thrift shops or outlet stores? What about garage sales?

Why do your target clients want to buy? Because they need it or they buy it on a whim. Do they actually believe that your product or service is effective?

How does your target market buy? In bulk? Are they interested more on single purchases? What about buying wholesale?

So who is your target market? They are the ones who satisfy the 6 Ws of your marketing campaign. For your next color printing
ad, understand your target market and create a marketing campaign that answers your target clients needs and wants. Not only would you be able to have an effective ad in your hands, but gain as many clients who you can benefit immensely in the process.